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  • remote-work-coronavirus-seattle

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    • Alerts

    Law In The Time Of Coronavirus: Remote Work Policies

    With the rapid spread of the Coronavirus, Seattle businesses are sending employees to work from home en masse, necessitating an evaluation of the existence of and need for remote work policies.

  • employee-handbook

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    • Corporate Governance
    • Startups

    Should Your Startup Incorporate In Washington Or Delaware?

    Location is everything…or maybe not.

  • 83-b-election

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    • Startups
    • Tax

    83(b) Election For Startup Founders

    While the tax code is probably the last thing startup founders want to think about when they’re starting up their company, there is at least one provision they should be very interested in: Section 83(b).

  • s-corporation-tax-washington-llc

    Post Categories

    • Corporate Governance
    • Tax

    Benefits Of S Corporation Tax Treatment For Washington LLCs

    If you’re looking for a tax-related conversation piece for your next cocktail hour, look no further than this entry on the benefits of electing S corporation tax treatment.

  • trademark-seattle-lawyer

    Post Categories

    • Intellectual Property

    Trademark Registration: Name Or Logo?

    In an ideal world, you would obtain trademark registration of both the name and logo of your business. Of course, ours is not always an ideal world and economic realities often limit the ability of a company to go for the full suite of legal protections available.

  • California-Consumer-Privacy-Act

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    • Data Privacy

    Does The CCPA Affect My Business?

    The CCPA is widely acknowledged to be the most comprehensive piece of privacy legislation in the United States—but will it apply to your business?

  • earn-out-stock-purchase-agreement

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    • Mergers & Acquisition


    Newer companies may see an earn-out as a way to sell high on its growth potential and bet on future success to maximize the payout under the deal.

  • image-asset (1) (1)

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    • Corporate Governance
    • Alerts

    Scam Alert For Newly Formed Washington Businesses

    Find out how to avoid a common scam targeting newly formed Washington businesses.

  • dissolve-washington-llc

    Post Categories

    • Corporate Governance

    Dissolving A Washington LLC

    Starting your LLC required you to observe certain formalities; ending it will too. Make sure you’re aware of your responsibilities in dissolving the LLC and winding up its affairs.

  • buying-business-washington

    Post Categories

    • Mergers & Acquisition

    Buying A Business In Washington

    If you’re prepared to spend hundreds of thousands (or millions) of dollars to buy a business, don’t cut corners on the deal. DIY can be fine for basic legal tasks, but the task of buying a business is anything but basic.

  • non-compete (1)

    Post Categories

    • Employment
    • Contracts

    Common Provisions In Washington Non-Compete Agreements

    Due to the interest generated by a previous post on non-compete agreements in Washington State, I decided to write this follow-up post to discuss some of the common provisions found in non-competes.

  • job-interview-question-restrictions

    Post Categories

    • Employment

    Questions You Can't Ask Job Applicants In Washington

    Employers understandably want to thoroughly vet job applicants before offering them a job. However, in Washington, there are many restrictions in on what types of questions an employer can ask a job applicant.