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  • indpendent-contractor-washington

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    • Employment

    Independent Contractors vs. Employees In Washington State

    While some Washington companies may reap the benefits of using independent contractors, others may be seriously harmed.

  • seattle-trademark-registration-attorney

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    • Intellectual Property

    Trademark Registration FAQs

    Find answers to all (or at least some) of your most pressing questions about the trademark registration process.

  • non-solicitation-clause-washington

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    • Employment
    • Contracts

    Non-Solicitation Agreements In Washington State

    Employee non-solicitation agreements generally prevent employees from poaching customers and recruiting employees for a period of time after they’ve left their job.

  • employee-offer-letter-washington

    Post Categories

    • Employment

    Employee Offer Letters In Washington State

    These are some of the common terms included in offer letters, as well as some potential traps for the person who downloads and uses the first free offer letter they can find in a Google search.

  • nondisclosure-agreement

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    • Employment
    • Contracts

    Non-Disclosure Agreements In Washington State

    As with most contracts, when it comes to creating an employee non-disclosure agreement, there’s the right way and then there’s the risky way.

  • indemnification-clause

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    • Contracts

    Common Contract Clauses: Indemnification

    An indemnification clause in a contract represents an agreement by one party to compensate the other party for certain costs and expenses.

  • prevailing-party

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    • Contracts

    Common Contract Clauses: Prevailing Party

    The effect of a prevailing party clause is that, if there’s a lawsuit, the losing party pays the winning party’s attorney fees.

  • pick-company-name

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    • Intellectual Property
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    4 Tips For Picking A Company Name

    When it comes to picking a company name (and branding in general), you ignore trademark law at your own peril. Take a look at these helpful tips before you invest time and money in a name that can’t be protected.

  • severability-clause

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    • Contracts

    Common Contract Clauses: Severability

    A severability clause is meant to make sure that the rest of the contract is enforced even if one or more provisions are found to be unenforceable.

  • merger-clause

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    • Contracts

    Common Contract Clauses: Merger

    A merger clause prevents a party to the contract from trying to avoid its terms by claiming that the parties reached some other agreement in a different document or conversation.

  • seattle-startup-resources

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    • Startups

    Local Resources For Seattle Startups

    There are a wealth of local resources available to Seattle startups, and the City of Seattle has put together a great database containing many of these resources.

  • force-majeure

    Common Contract Terms: Force Majeure

    If you’ve ever read a commercial contract, you’ve probably come across a force majeure clause. At the time, you probably wondered, what the heck is a force majeure clause?